Saturday, 12 April 2008

Grab a coffee :)

Today when I was driving home from the shops there was this little man with a red and white sign on the side of the road. The sign said Antique and collectors fair.... Humm I thought no children with me, why not. So in I went, thinking in my head if only I had my purse with me (I had just taken $50 note out of my purse to run up to the shops, groceries I got cost $31) oh well. After paying $5 to get in i was then left with $14. I had fun looking around, it was so weird I kept looking out for my children and had the words don't touch and this is a looking only shop on the tip of my tongue.

Then I thought I might give myself a challenge and buy something it felt a bit like being a contestant on the UK antiques show where they have a set amount of money and have to buy things to get auctioned. So off I went with $14 in hand.

The first thing I bought was a little glass lidded bowl that matches a bigger one I have in the bathroom, I got it for $5, then I found a colclough plate in great condition for $4. That left me with $5 I saw some boy and girl lucky dips for $1 each and got each on the children one and one lady had 4 doily's of $1 so I have $1 left over. (Each of the girls got a cute handbag full of bling and a stuffed puppy, Aiden got a shark, superman and trading cards)

The colclough plate
The glass bowl

There were some lovely things there and some were very over priced, I am sure all the bargains were gone by the time I got there at 11:30am. I had a nice time it was good to have a break.

Onto the second item. Last night hubby decided to come home as he finished at work earlier than planned so at 9:30 he arrived to surprise me. My sister in law had just left, we had just spent 2 hours moving the bedroom around only to end up with it the way it was to begin with.

So my surprise Anniversary gift was not finished and all my plans were wrecked. I was a little disappointed as I had worked so hard and really wanted to spoil him.

So since he has now seen the bedroom here are the photos. I still need to do a bit to get it to where I want it.

View from the door

The bed, I still have to stress the paint a bit at the edges

The book case thing I got for Glen to put all his books on.

This is what Glen got for me another one for my collection.

Still need to get new draw handles.

Hubby goes back to Brisbane tonight and will be back Sunday night so I will still do some of what I had planned for him. It just won't be the same. Oh well


Kingswood Food and Craft Market said...

OHMYGOSH Bek you have done an amazing job on the room already ! Oh i am in love love love with the bed! Now i wanna paint mine too :)
You should be sooo proud of yourself girlie. Dont be disappointed that it wasnt finished when hubby got had still done so much and its a real credit to you.

Loving yur little antique adventure. You did good on a budget!

Chat soon,
Shann xo

Bek said...

Thanks Shannon, it was prob a good thing that I did not have my purse on me during my adventure, I might have spent 2 much.

Thanks for the pick up about the bedroom:)

Unknown said...

BEK!!! The bedroom is looking so beautiful already!! You are doing a wonderful job! The bed is fabulous! And I love the shelf table you bought hubby!

It sounds like you did a wonderful job antiquing too! How fun!!


Linda said...

Hi Bek,
Wow what a wonderful job you have done already. The bed looks fab!
Cheers Linda


Hi Bek, you've done a wonderful job on the bed. Love the rose applique & I love the white lace behind the bed, all looks so pretty. It will all come together, don't rush it. Bet your hubby was proud of you. Checked your older posts, great job too with the dresser, love the pretty pink handles too. Thanks for visiting, I have added you to my favourites.
Hugs, Coll :-}
PS: yep, eBay stink!! Etsy & Oztion, here we come!