Saturday, 24 May 2008

Catching up

I have been away for a while. We have had this terrible Gastro bug going around and around Toowoomba, looking after my children has taken up all my time and all the washing. I am still not on top of it all. I have had a few minutes here and there and have popped in and read a few blogs.

With all the sickness I did not post the mothers day wins out but they will be posted this week and I will blog about what the girls got. So sorry girls.

The last 2 days I have been trying to catch up on cupcake orders and restocking. Today I was taking photos of everything with the help of my 3 year old son. I have an old camera which does not work any more and he loves to help set up and take photos as well.

I am thinking of getting him a kid camera for his birthday that actually takes photos. Can you see the cupcakes poking out of the shelf near the books. He set them up with some pretty things.

Here are some photos of what I have been working on. I am in the process of expanding my range.

I am looking forward to having some time to catch up with you girls and your blogs and see what adventures you have been having.


Debbie Kay said...

I am a new visitor to your blog. Really enjoy it and I love the cupcakes, they look heavenly.

Debbie Kay

Anonymous said...

Hi Bek...
Sure have missed hearing from you... so sorry that y'all have been so sick. I'll be praying for renewed health for everyone! Your new banner is so pretty and so are your new creations! WOW... did you make those roses in the last photo?! They're awesome... and how cute of your son and his camera!


Linda said...

Hi Bek,
I hope that you are feeling much better now. You look like you have been very busy making cupcakes, your son looks like a real little cutie.
Cheers Linda

BittersweetPunkin said...

Love the cupcakes..but that pic of your son is too precious!! CUTE!!


Bek, your little fella looks so sweet, helping you out. Love all the pics & your new banner. Please don't worry about being late, family always takes priority chickie. Hope everyone is well again.
Hugs, Coll :-}

Linda said...

Hi Bek,
You have just been tagged, if you would like to join in pop on over to my blog.
Cheers Linda

candy said...

Wow these are amazing! YOU are amazing!!! Very talented!!